About Us

RNS Audio & Digital

Learn More About RNS Audio & Digital

Attribution Modeling | Data Optimization | Search Marketing

Helping Your Broadcasting Business Grow

RNS Audio & Digital has been helping broadcasting agents like radio networks and news agencies reach out to a global audience for over 30 years. Our marketing professionals use their knowledge and skills to compile information about your company and come up with strategies to engage with your target audience.

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More About Our Company

Our Why

We are not here to sell you anything. We are here to share and give.

To share our perspective and what our experiences have taught us.

To give you our thoughts and ideas on how we think your business objectives can be met and exceeded

Our Beliefs

Media has changed, but the way it is being planned and purchased hasn’t.

Somewhere along the way, the industry became reliant on platforms to make decisions to aid in scale and efficiency.

To be successful, we must take an evolved approach that relies on context and business goals to make informed decisions and impact the bottom line.

Our Mission

Media is the means to a much more important end goal. The goal of media is to deliver the desired business outcome from the investment your partner is accountable for.

Algorithms are not AI-capable, but we rely on them heavily to make optimization and spending decisions, assuming they can determine the nuances of the customer journey. Third-party ad tech helps, but it’s not a panacea to delivering the best results or to protect media investments from ad fraud or other skewed metrics that don’t matter.

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